Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter PubLic , Have a BLessed Day :D , I wanted to Discuss Self Esteem , We ALL Have it , If Maybe Low & It MAY be High , Sometimes the Rude Or Nice Comments Can Boost or Descend Our Self Esteem , The MOST Important Part to this Is DO NOT let Other People's Comments Descend Your Esteem , YOU KNOW who YOU are & NEVER Let Anyone Tell You Different , JUST Stop Caring About People's thoughts , YOU Have Every right to aa GREAT LIFE , Have a Bless Day , Life IN Times Of JOSH :D.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kids Allowance

Man , This is a interesting Topic. Haha. Kids SHOULD be allowed a allowance. Kids have Needs also. We shouldn't Forget. Kids want the Latest Video Games. New Sneakers. ALL what they want their friends to have. I want parents to remember that kids sometimes don't need too MUCH allowance. Its NOT good. Also for their Self confidence. Kids can become rather Cocky. They can think they have it all when they really don't. Also Some of U.S Society Kids aren't always honest. They can buy things that Their parents don't want them to have. Parents should be careful of The amount they give their kids. A Reasonable amount for a child is $25 Dollars ; 13 & Older. IF Under that ; $10 It isn't much. It CERTAINLY will get them pizza & ARE WE FORGETTING THE VALUE PARENTS ?! WE Need to teach our Kids to Save. If You weren't taught up on the idea to save ; HOW Will you pay For Bills Rent & Food to survive when You become a Adult. This BLOG is Certainly NOT just for the Kids but it is also for the Adults of Society today. I Know its NOT each but the Most Famous saying Up to today Is We ALL cant have what we want WHEN we want it. Life IN Time Of JOSH :D , Have a Blessed day Public.

Friend Competition ;

Good Morning , Good Evening , What ever Daytime Your Viewing , Have You ever had a friend && admit or there's evidence of competition . Let me tell YOU , it isn't a great time. Its something very serious & probably traces back to a event that happened in the past. I know its the worst. Some simple solutions
  • - ASK the friend what happened in the past that brought out that side
  • -DO NOT compete Back ; Its Silly & a waste of time & Probably MONEY Which is a Drastic Measurement to go to OVER competition
  • -TRUE friends DON'T Compete ; TRUE friends Compromise & Work out there Differences    ;We all want things in life to GO peachy & fine but when a bad situation occur between GOOD friends a simply solution is DEFIANTLY needed & Don't think to yourself that you are looking small & all other Low Self esteem Building Comments in YOUR Head. Your Great and Deserve the better in life. & NO Matter WHAT, Working out Differences is the BEST Solution to most Differences & What have You Life. Remember This, ITS  Advice For a LifeTime. Happy Reading! -JO$H :D